Monday, February 7, 2011

Hygiene kits needed

These hygiene kits are sent to orphanages, homeless shelters, medical facilities and disaster areas. You may donate one item/s or complete kits packaged in heavy-duty one-gallon sealable plastic bags. Please deliver to Laura Hawkins by Feb. 15th.. Here are the items needed in each kit: 

2 unbreakable combs without sharp handles
4 toothbrushes (sealed)

1 tube of toothpaste (6-8 ounces, no pumps)
2 bars of soap (3.5-5 ounces each)
2 hand towels (approximately 15x25 inches) Dishtowels and washcloths are not acceptable. If sewing towels, use terry cloth and serge or zigzag edges to prevent fraying.